Visit & Tasting

- The visit to Finca Escudero lasts two hours.
- The visits will be in Spanish or English. The visit consists of a guided tour of the estate and ends with a tasting of the estate’s own wine and other local products.
Booking your Visit:
- The cost of the experience will be:
20 € (per person, 7% local tax included)
- Select the day you want to visit in the Calendar and follow the purchase steps.
- From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Prior purchase, until 20:00 h on the previous Friday, through our booking engine.
Other days:
- Availability of visits, subject to prior booking at least 24 hours in advance, only groups between five and twelve people, through:
- e-mail:
- Phone number: 683 15 02 86

Condiciones de la reserva

Es necesario realizar la compra de la entrada a través de nuestra web. No está permitido la entrada a la Finca sin reserva y compra previa, a través de nuestra página web. Para adquirir productos en nuestra tienda, se aceptan tarjetas de débito y crédito.

No se aceptarán cambios o devoluciones en las entradas, salvo por causas externas, como las provocadas por inclemencias climatológicas que afectarán al recorrido en la Finca.

Si tiene algún tipo de alergia o intolerancia indíquelo antes de la visita por email (, gracias.

Con la compra de la entrada se aceptan estas condiciones.

Gift Voucher

Gift a great wine touring experience

Buy gift voucherRedeem gift voucher

Choose the date you want to come and apply your promo code to redeem your gift voucher.

* The voucher will be valid for 6 months from the moment of purchase.